For the handling of personal information
"For the handling of personal information (Renewal intermediary)" is intended to define the basic guidelines regarding personal information as a target of personal information acquired to use by TTTNETJapan Inc. (as Company).
When handling (an information about individuals, including those that would be able to identify a specific individual name included in the information, such as by the description of the date of birth, etc.) personal information as a business operator handling personal information, the company will comply with "For the handling of personal information (Renewal intermediary) ", "Privacy Policy", Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws, and it is committed to there protection.
For purposes
Except if it is treated as an exception by Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other laws and regulations and if the consent of the person has been found, the company will use personal information the following purposes.
・Replying to inquiries
About provided to a third party
Except in cases falling under any of the following personal information that has been acquired, will not provide or disclose to any third party.
• If there is a consent of
• If that person's life, if necessary for the protection of property or body, and you may be asked for your consent of is difficult
• If you are prompted for a disclosed or provided on the basis of other legislation
Disclosure of your registration details, about the use and withdrawal modify
In as long as they do not interfere with the proper conduct of business, by the offer of the person in question, and will disclose your personal information personal. In that case, we will carry out the identification by a predetermined method.
If there is content that is different from the fact that personal information disclosed or if the person requests the suspension of use of personal information, the company will stop its use immediately.
For revision
"For the handling of personal information"may change without a notice due to revision of related laws or cahnge of our policy.